2019 Hate Crime Statistics Release by the FBI

Many federal and state crimes are motivated by hate and prejudice. Hate crimes include offenses that are based on bias toward victims because of their race, national origin, gender, sexual preference, disability, religion, and other identity factors. These offenses usually are distinct crimes separate and apart from other offenses. Hate crimes also include standard criminal…

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Field Sobriety Tests in Washington State

If a police officer pulls you over for suspected drinking and driving, they may conduct what’s called field sobriety testing (FST). The first thing you should know and share with others is you have an absolute right to refuse field sobriety tests in the State of Washington. If you are pulled over and an officer…

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Why Truck Accident Claims Are Different from Car Accident Claims

We know that an accident with a tractor-trailer can be devastating for the driver and passengers in the smaller vehicle. Because commercial trucks are so much bigger than regular cars and SUVs (both in height and weight), when these vehicles collide, injuries tend to be catastrophic or fatal. As a result, victims and survivors of…

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