The Duty of a Driver and How it Relates to Pedestrians

Drivers have a critical duty of care toward pedestrians to ensure their safety on the road. This duty is governed by traffic laws and general principles of negligence. Understanding this responsibility is essential for both drivers and pedestrians to prevent accidents and ensure a safe road environment. Here are some specific situations that illustrate a…

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What Happens if Weather Played a Role in Your Car Accident?

Weather conditions can significantly contribute to car accidents by affecting visibility, road traction, and vehicle control. Drivers should exercise extra caution and adopt preventive measures when driving in poor weather to reduce the risk of accidents. Types of weather that increase car accident risks Various weather conditions can impact driving safety and increase the risk…

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What Medical Records or Documents Do I Need After a Car Accident?

After a car accident, one of the first tasks your attorney will recommend is gathering your medical records or documents. These documents can help prove that you were involved in a crash, suffered injuries, and received medical treatment. However, there are a variety of medical-related records and documents that you may need after a car…

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Truck Driver Fatigue Can Cause Dangerous Accidents in Vancouver, WA

Fatigued and drowsy driving is common in the trucking industry despite federal rules and regulations. When a trucker operates a large and powerful truck while sleep-deprived and exhausted, their decision-making, ability to make good judgments, and reaction times are affected, placing themselves and other drivers and road users at risk of a catastrophic truck accident…

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How Does Fault Affect My Accident Claim?

After a car accident, you may feel stressed, frustrated, and shaken up. Your mind may be racing, trying to remember every detail leading up to the event. Even if you think you might be partially at fault, do not say anything. The aftermath of a collision is confusing, and you do not want to say…

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Should I Hire a Lawyer for an Uninsured Driver Claim?

You should consider hiring a lawyer if you have been in a car accident with an uninsured driver. While not required to have a lawyer, an uninsured driver claim can become difficult and complex, making legal assistance beneficial for pursuing compensation for injuries, property damage, medical expenses, and more. Importantly, there is a deadline to…

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How Does a Claim for “Pain and Suffering” Work?

Accident victims are often entitled to compensation for medical bills, lost income, and property damage, but the most important compensation is for the human losses. Human losses, commonly referred to as pain and suffering, non-economic damages, or general damages, are usually not as visible and are not naturally valued with money like economic damages. However,…

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